There’s More Than Just Fetch. 5 Games That Will Improve Your Dog’s Mental Awareness

pug playing with a girl

Don't forget to exercise your doggy's brain! These games will help him out!

Have your dog sit and stay in one room. Then, go and hide in another. When she finds you, reward her enthusiastically with treats and praise. This game will work both her brains and her senses.

You may not think your dog can actually understand you, but he totally can. The key to word recognition is practice, practice, practice. Try to keep the names basic, like “bear” or “cat.” Say the name of one of the toys and throw it so he can fetch it.

This game may seem basic, but it can be really beneficial for your pooch. Not only does it help her release her inner canine aggression, but it can also be a way for you to teach her how to “get it” and “let go,” all while getting in a good exercise.  Keep practicing this as it's probably the trickiest command a dog can learn in this game. Once she has that down, put them all together and have a fun and educational game of tug of war.


It truly takes agility and concentration for a pup to learn how to catch one of these flying discs. If your dog doesn't innately know to jump and catch the Frisbee in the air, start off small. Once you've accomplished this, try tossing it — at a very low level first—to your dog.

Be creative and make a simple obstacle course inside your home with the help of a few everyday objects, like a couple of old blankets (or towels, whichever you prefer). Clear out enough space in the living room so your dog can run freely without hurting himself or your valuables.

Your doggy will totally love having new games to play! He'll also be learning new things and staying sharp while exercising. Making that extra time of your pooch to stay happy and healthy will change his life as well as yours.

For more information on mental awareness games for your pooch, visit

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