German Shepherd vs. Kitten – What Happens At 1:05 Between These Two Is Priceless!

Generally speaking, cats and dogs do NOT get along. But what about the ones that do? What if your German Shepherd didn't look at the new kitten you brought home as a meal, but as a companion or playmate instead?

It's a strange concept to wrap your head around – at least to us it was! Dogs and cats tend to have the best chance of a relationship if they're housed together when they're both small. But in this incredible video we found online, you'll see a scenario we could NEVER have dreamed up on our own. An adult German Shepherd (retired military dog) and a teeny tiny white kitten in the same room…..

……And what happens next, will blow your mind and warm your heart (in that order!).

Head over to page 2 and meet this adorable odd couple! 


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