BEWARE: 10 Fruits and Vegetables That Surprisingly Can Kill or Hurt Your Dog

pug eating an apple

If your doggy likes to try and eat everything, you may want to think twice. As a good pet parent, if your pooch does like to consume everything in the house and outside while you're on walks, you should learn which food items are okay and which ones are not for him to eat.

In particular, you can start by learning about the foods on this list of common fruits and vegetables that could kill or hurt your dog. Whereas it's normal for humans to eat these foods daily, that doesn't mean your doggy can too.

For example, you may be curious as to how an apple can harm your fur baby. Well, certain fruits and vegetables have parts that are both healthy and can be toxic to your dog. It's important that you pay special attention to these foods and what you're giving to your dog since he can't tell you what he can and cannot eat.

To learn why it's so important to differentiate between what is and isn't okay to feed your pooch, visit the next page. You never know what food item you're feeding your dog could accidentally harm him! 

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