10 Dog Walking Rules You’re TOTALLY Breaking…

So Rover LOVES to go on walks, but you let him walk wherever he wants, poop wherever he wants, and bark like crazy at all the dogs that pass you by. Why are you letting Rover run the show?

Believe it or not, but there is dog etiquette involved when you are walking your pooch, especially when a lot of people and dogs are involved. It's understandable that your pup may get excited to walk around the fountain or even bark at a dog or two, but you need to understand what rules to follow and what to do when things get out of hand.

Both you and Rover can have a wonderful walk because, after all, this is a time for your pooch to get his sniffing in and mental stimulation. Both are important for a healthy and well-balanced pup.

So what dog walking rules should be you paying attention to? Head on over to the next page to check out 10 rules that you're not following that you should be


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5 thoughts on “10 Dog Walking Rules You’re TOTALLY Breaking…

  1. I guess with a site called Leashes “Optional” you can’t expect the following dog walking rule…..Keep your dog on a leash unless you’re in a leash-free dog park. It isn’t fair to let your dog run all over when others are restrained. And then when your dog charges at mine while you yell “it’s okay, he’s friendly”………..my dog is seeing that as an attack on his owner, don’t be surprised at the results.

  2. Well guess I am old school because none of these do we break. I always carry a spare bag for those I see NOT picking up after their friend and if someone wants to pet mine I tell them to wait then make mine sit, only then is it ok for them to approach.

  3. @[100001554965463:2048:Joanne] – we completely agree! This post is really for all the folks who *don’t* follow the rules, and sadly – there are quite a few. As for our site name, it’s just a fun play on words 🙂 Unless our dog s are in the backyard or we’re in a gated area with other neighborhood dogs for a play date, we keep their leash on.

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