10 Dog Walking Rules You’re TOTALLY Breaking…

The next time you head out for a long, leisurely walk, keep these rules in mind while you're walking Rover. It's okay to provide him with some guidelines — this will make your walk enjoyable and over time he'll get what he can and cannot do. Not to mention, you will too!

1. Always pick up after your dog. Consider bags that will attach to your dog's leash.

2. Have control of your dog at all times. Keep your dog close to you when you are around other dogs or people by maintaining a short leash.

3. Remember to let your dog get plenty of chances to sniff around during the walk. Your dog's nose is the main way he explores his world!

4. Before walking puppies, make sure they have been properly introduced to the leash.

5. Choose the appropriate leash for your dog. It should be comfortable for you and your dog.

6. Avoid retractable leashes, or at least use them properly. Ideally, your dog should walk at your side.

7. Train loose-leash walking so walks are less stressful.

8. Consider training your dog to stop and sit at intersections, especially in the city. It's a good safety measure around traffic.

9. Again, pick up after your dog!

10. Don't let your dog wander into private yards. This is rude. Keep your dog on the curb strip side of the sidewalk whenever possible.

Follow these rules from About (and visit the site for even more important walking tips), and both you and Rover will be able to enjoy a long and relaxing walk. Who knows, maybe you'll make a few new friends with other doggies in the park too!

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5 thoughts on “10 Dog Walking Rules You’re TOTALLY Breaking…

  1. I guess with a site called Leashes “Optional” you can’t expect the following dog walking rule…..Keep your dog on a leash unless you’re in a leash-free dog park. It isn’t fair to let your dog run all over when others are restrained. And then when your dog charges at mine while you yell “it’s okay, he’s friendly”………..my dog is seeing that as an attack on his owner, don’t be surprised at the results.

  2. Well guess I am old school because none of these do we break. I always carry a spare bag for those I see NOT picking up after their friend and if someone wants to pet mine I tell them to wait then make mine sit, only then is it ok for them to approach.

  3. @[100001554965463:2048:Joanne] – we completely agree! This post is really for all the folks who *don’t* follow the rules, and sadly – there are quite a few. As for our site name, it’s just a fun play on words 🙂 Unless our dog s are in the backyard or we’re in a gated area with other neighborhood dogs for a play date, we keep their leash on.

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