(Video) This ADORABLE Peek-a-Boo Pug Will Make Anyone’s Day, Guaranteed!

peek a boo pug

There is nothing like watching a pup play a game to cheer anyone up. When our dogs play and make the cutest faces we just can't help but be happy.

This video of a baby Pug playing peek-a-boo will make it impossible for you to have a bad day. It might even make you want another adorable pug of your own to love. Watching this video only once won't be nearly enough!

Awww. This baby Pug is just about the cutest thing ever. The way the pup reactions during a game of peek a boo is beyond adorable. He tries to play along by lifting up his paws and just makes us fall in love even more.

If you were having a bad day, you won't be able to stop smiling now. It might even make you want to go home and play this with your pup!

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