We have all experienced that moment when we have a small dog on our lap and while it was nice for a while we really must get on with our day of toil and let the pup either lay on an area near us or put him on the floor to explore and make his own fun or naptime.
Now that we are in the land of “the weekly storm” our own pooch is constantly asking for lap time and we do not mind so much but, as we are doing now, we have to have the freedom to write. Max cannot spend an hour on our lap when the creative juices are flowing because we just do not know when we will get that mojo back!
Therefore, we completely get where the owner of Marvin is coming from when she tells him he has to get off her lap so she can go to work. However, Marvin, the pug is not just unhappy about the prospect but has a very visual way of showing his disappointment. If ever a dog knows how to scowl it is Marvin!
Go on over to the next page and watch this cuddlesome canine and his Mom, as she patiently tries to get Marvin to understand that her lap is not a 24/7 nap station!
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Barb Rieben
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Prscious. Looks like Dawg. My pug.
Cathlena C. Sutter Hinkle
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Just like my pug, Mable….always has to be in my lap!
Ellie Frederick
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Maggie Tarpley
Chris Opdebeeck
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Lalalalala Marvin can’t hear you
Dina Dore
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Brandi Landry Monceaux
Jessie Boulware Smith
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Pugs are such sweet dogs nothing makes them happier than being close to us
Jarrod M. Klanderman
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That’s totally how they are. Such snuggle babies!
Jacqueline Rainey St.John
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I have a Yorkie that is like Marvin….
Kathy Van Lanen
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Omg just like a pug!!
Janice Carter
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Lucy does the same thing! She has to be close to me!
Joan Rutter
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Pugs are the best.
Patricia Blake
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Give me some kisses and hugs mom
Curt Derr
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They all do, 24/7!!
Matt McGuire
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I feel this lady’s pain lol! I love my pug but sometimes I’m just like “bro, I need some space”!
Cindy Valentine West
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Just like my boys!! Always on the lap!
Mathew Thomas Bacher
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Sinéad Harold Bacher
Patricia Hurley Jones
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Just like mine.
Linda Cyphers
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Lol yup my pugs are the same way
Jacqueline Shults
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Shelly Sczechowski
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Daniel Sczechowski, this is so Scarlet!
Regina Pokropski
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Really cute video. Marvin knows his favorite place to lay. He is so cute
Carol Fiello
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i just want some love