(Video) Doberman Gets Quite Upset at a Spider for Catching a Fly in Her Web

Doberman Spider and Fly

Kruz the Doberman is just a big softy. He thinks life is precious, no matter how small, and wants to help an innocent fly. Mom tries to explain that his fly friend is “spider food” now but Kruz insists something must be done. Take a look:

Dobermans were originally bred as protection dogs. This is obvious when you see how personally Kruz seems to take his job as a defender!

We do hope he eventually gets past this trauma, that he understands that not all things – aside from his human family – can be saved. However, we think this big-heart pooch, although menacing and intimidating looking, will be checking out spider webs for a long time to come.

Flies, you have a warrior amongst you, and his name is Kruz!


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