This Snorting Pug is Bringing on the Cute Factor – LOL!

happy snorting pug

Any snorting from a puppy is funny and sweet. They do not realize they are doing it, and that makes it all the more comic. Then there are those who snort constantly, and we have to wonder: Is that a deviated septum? Should a vet check on that?

And finally, we have pugs who have pretty much turned snorting into an art form.

It has everything to do with the configuration of their cute faces and smooshed in nose. While we have to be careful, though by making certain the pup is not in pain or that the pug's snorting gets out of hand, even though snorting comes with the pug territory.

After the break check out this little sweetheart whose snorting lasts only long enough to make sure he’s not missing something!

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12 thoughts on “This Snorting Pug is Bringing on the Cute Factor – LOL!

  1. My little guy snores so loud sometimes you have to turn up the TV. It always breaks my heart because they struggle to breath. I know it has to do with their flat faces and they don’t know any better. But it must be so uncomfortable…

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