The 5 Critical Commands Every Dog Should Be Taught

Training your pup commands should be a fun experience for you both. If it's not going as planned consider switching things up. Be consistent, loving, and the head of your dog's pack. Teaching your dog basic commands such as “Sit,” “Down,” and “Stay” are essential command words that can help you during sticky situations.

Here are 5 commands that are important to train Fido if you haven't already done so.

Place: The goal of the “Place” command is for your dog to be sent to a specific location: dog bed, folded blanket, area of carpet, etc. (any spot that is distinguishable from the rest of the flooring around you) and to remain on their regardless of what is going on around them.

Sit (with built-in stay): “Sit” is the most widely known and most frequently misused command. The key is for your dog to calmly “Sit” until released (built-in stay) and to be used in important daily life situations.

Down (with built-in stay): “Sit” is a short duration command (as it is less comfortable for the dog than a “Down”), so we utilize “Down” for long durations. Having a rock solid “Down” enables you to take your dog to public places (Vet’s office, parks/ball games, other people’s homes, and outdoor coffee shops) and have your dog relax at your feet when you get there.

Come: For safety reasons, it is essential for your dog to come when called. If your dog sneaks out the front door/car door, chases an animal, etc. your dog needs to immediately stop and come back when you call.

Off: One of the most common calls I get from puppy/dog owners is how to get their dog to stop jumping on people and objects in the home. The simple way to address this is with the “Off” command.

After reading over the 5 obedience commands from The Dogington Post, which ones does your dog understand and which ones does he need to improve on? Be patient as you continue to train your pet and if they struggle you can always consult with a specialist or try different training methods.

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