Teach Your Pooch To “Play Dead” In 3 Easy Steps!

How would you like to make your pup a show-stopper? Read the following and old Fido just might find himself in a new edition of “America’s Most Brilliant Dogs”!

Step 1: To start your dog should already know how to lay down on command. Place a few treats in a fist and place your hand on the ground in front of your dog as you ask them to lay down.

Step 2: As your dog sniffs the treat tilt your fist up and over the top of your dog’s head, encouraging them to lay on their side. You may need to gently push your hand into your dog to entice them to lay on their side. Click and Reward your dog as soon as their side touches the ground.

Step 3: Continue asking your dog to lay on their side with treats in the fist of your hand until you can ask them to lay on their side with just an open palm (treats removed) – then click and reward!

You’re almost there! For the rest of these steps please go on over to Ammo the Dachshund. There you will get more detailed information and also see comments from others who have read this and taught their pups to “play dead”. Please, add your comments to the rest. Did this work for you?

You will also find a link over there about “clickers” and how to use them. They are a “must” training tool.

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