Sophia the Pug Sneezes Non-Stop, and All the While Her Expressions Crack Us Up!

pug sneezing attack

Somebody get this pug a tissue! She might need some allergy medicine too! LOL! You'll totally crack up like we did when you see Sophia the pug have a sneeze attack! She can't stop.

It's always fun to see our dogs make silly faces in the most random situations, even while they're sneezing. They can't seem to control their movements and look so funny in the process!

The moment when Sophia sneezes over and over again is no exception! Sophia makes some hilarious faces while she sneezes on the video on the next page!

How could one small pug possibly sneeze so much?! Just when you think she's done, Sophia will surprise you with another sneeze! It's so hilarious, I promise. You need to watch Sophia sneeze her tail off even though we hope she isn't getting sick!

Watch what happens when Sophia the pug has a funny sneeze attack on the next page. Will her sneezing ever end?! Let's find out…

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