Socializing Tips For Your Adult Dog That Actually Work

You just adopted an older dog, and you can't wait to take him home. However, you're not sure how he'll respond to meeting new people or if he'll listen to commands.

It may be challenging at first having an older pet as part of the family, but in no time at all he should catch on to your house training rules. With a little bit of love and patience, you can socialize your adult dog.

Training and socializing an adult dog requires love and patience, bit its different than socializing a puppy. You need to take things slow and be careful to ease them into new settings. Remember, an older dog has had a life prior to you. And their previous owners may not have treated them in the best manner. So its important to focus on good behavior and make your dog feel comfortable.

Did he stay off the furniture last night? Give him a treat. Did he go to bed in his kennel instead of wanting to be up on the bed? Praise him tremendously. Positive reinforcement is the winning ticket when it comes to training older dogs.

There are more secrets to socializing an older dog on the follow page. Come check 'em out! 

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