So Beautiful! 7 Photos Of Dogs Reminding Owners Of Some VERY Important Life Truths. Don’t Miss It!

The following photos and sentiments are not just precious but very thoughtful. They make such sense, are delightful, and might even bring a tear to the eye. Read and learn from these sweet pups!

Give me time to understand what you want from me.

I don't always get it right on the first try, but i promise I'm trying as hard as I can.

Give me your trust.

Just like I trust you, I need you to trust me, too.

Don't be angry with me for too long. And please don't lock me up to punish me. 

You have your friends and family to keep you entertained. I just have you.


Talk to me. 

Sure, we don't speak the same language, but the sound of your voice brightens my whole day.


Come outside with me.

The sights, sounds, and scents of nature are some of my greatest pleasures in life. I don't care if we play, go for a walk, or just sit under a tree together—I want you to experience them with me.


Give me a treat every once in a while.

Food is one of my greatest pleasures in life. I know you want me to be healthy, so I understand when you don't share your meals with me. But giving me a dog biscuit when I've been good or mixing tasty vegetables mixed in with my dinner is guaranteed to make me wag my tail extra hard.


Love me when I'm old just as much as you did when I was young.

I might not be the cute puppy that I once was, but I still love you just as much now as I did then. Please take care of me when my body doesn't work like it used to.

Do you feel a slight lump in your throat? We would be surprised if you did not feel a little moved by what you've just seen and read. And there are far more on 9Gag so please go over and take a look.

It was William Shakespeare who said “(a) dog will have his day.” After seeing these photos I think that dog deserves more than a single day! Enoy!

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