Positive Ways to Help Prevent Your Dog From Becoming Aggressive

upset pug

Don't let your pooch become aggressive! Here's how to prevent your pup from unwanted bad behaviors.

All pet parents believe that their dog will not bite, but the fact is that if their territory is threatened, or if startled or frightened suddenly, dogs tend to get aggressive.

As per latest statistics there are close to 350,000 dog bite victims seeking emergency care each year and 2 in 100 receive compensation averaging $29,752.

Children and elderly are most affected and suffer more attacks than others. This is mainly because the elderly have reduced mobility and strength, and children very often do not know how to behave with dogs.

You need to know your dog closely and deeply in order to guide her towards desirable behavior.

Here are a few things that you can do to ensure that your dog doesn’t bite and your kids stay safe.

1) Socialization is Key

As any pet parent will tell you socializing is important in raising a dog that is happy, secure and comfortable around humans and everyday things. Socializing is also important to build a better relationship between a dog and her human parent, and she will also pose less of a risk to both her human companion as well as others.

2) Exercise Regularly

Exercise is necessary to burn excess energy and to help your dog maintain a healthy state of mind. Adequate and regular dog exercise is necessary to fulfill the nature and needs of your dog. You will be better able to communicate and speak to a dog when her mind is calm and happy.

3) Aggression Stems from Poor Leadership

Dog on dog aggression can result from poor calm-assertive leadership on the part of the pet parent. You as a human must establish yourself as a pack leader from the day you first bring your puppy into your home.

4) Be Sure of the Breed You Adopt

Many people believe that certain breeds are better behaved than others and are less probable of causing any serious harm. But that is not true.

It is the responsibility of pet parents to ensure that their dogs are cared for, and trained and exercised to drain excess energy and to maintain optimum mental health.

5) Do Not Telegraphy Anxiety to Your Dog

Calm and assertive pack leaders win loyalty and respect of their packs. If you communicate anxiety, excitement and tension through the leash, it will confuse your dog and she will find it hard to follow all the good behavior lessons you had taught her.


Pet parents must be aware that any dog, however well behaved, can bite. It is important that you train your pooch well and ensure that you do not leave her alone with kids. Great bonding and an intuitive understanding of your dog will help you avert disasters.

Now that you know how to keep your dog from becoming aggressive towards anyone, make sure you're comfortable to bring him around new people as well. You’re the leader of your pup’s pack and he needs to have a strong leader!

For more information on aggression prevention in your pooch, check out Dog Heirs.

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