Get Your Dog To Enjoy Water With These Simple Tips

Do you have a dog that doesn't like water? Do they dread bathtime? Do they run every time you turn the sprinkler on? If so, don't give up hope.

We once had a fun loving German Shepherd who hated water and would always run away the minute the hose was turned on in the backyard. Also, giving him a bath was a two person event. However, the moment we got a swimming pool he was curious.

“Bear” didn’t jump in right away, he sniffed at it for a few days, saw how much the adults and kids were having while playing, then one day he merely jumped in and swam with us. We were stunned! But once he lost his fear, “Bear” swam in that pool for years.

This just goes to show that dogs can overcome their fear of water and even learn to enjoy it.

Turn to the next page and see how you can change your pup from being a water hater to a water lover!

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