Doggy Pawing at You to Get Attention? It’s Cute but Could Become a Problem. Solve it with These Tips!

pug barking

Although we love our pooches, they can be very demanding at times. Most of the time we don't mind giving into them. They love getting all the attention that they can get from us, and we are happy to shower them with lots of love in return

However, some doggies can get in the way of you being able to do your daily tasks with their constant whining. Your pup might bark, growl, mouth or paw at you for attention. It can become overwhelming when the cuteness wears off.

Thankfully there are tips so you can help your pup stop these actions so you can actually get some work done. Your pup will still be happy, but he'll learn that it's not always ok to paw at you regularly and do everything in his puppy power to get your attention. Come on Fido, give mom a break! LOL!

Learn how to prevent your pooch from pawing at you and getting his way on the next page.

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5 thoughts on “Doggy Pawing at You to Get Attention? It’s Cute but Could Become a Problem. Solve it with These Tips!

  1. My Pug does want lots and lots of attention and we can give it to him since we are retired. He gets very frustrated if one of us ignores him which we seldom do but we do have tasks and places to go where he can’t . Often one of us stays home while the other needs to do the running around. We also have a huge Lab to keep each other company and they get along ok but both want attention attention. We love our dogs and they are spoiled but be ready to shower the lovely hugs kisses attention. They do not wanting to be ignored.

  2. Mine male litterally sits or lays on me all the time and doesn’t do it gently either he has knocked the wind out of me a few times when he plopped down on me hard …. here is a photo of him on my tummy and I can’t tell at that face and not burst out in Tears

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