An Adorable Baby Pug Named Caruso Loves to Sniff and Explore – He’s Sooo Curious!

pug exploring his home

To a puppy, a new area means a new place to explore! This pug puppy gets it and is so excited to sniff and explore his new home!

He's so happy to have found an amazing new family, and you get to see him as he reacts to his first day at home!

Caruso, the pug, is an adorable and tiny puppy, so there's tons of new smells and new things to learn. Where does this hallway lead to? Why does this floor smell funny? Where's my food? LOL! These are all things little Caruso is definitely thinking about.

Watch him explore every inch of his new place as he gets used to his new surroundings. You'll fall in love with his nose for curiosity and little puppy ways! He just loves to investigate and we love watching him!

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