8 Dogs Who Want Their Dinner NOW!

When it comes time for your pooch's dinner, how do they react? Undoubtedly they're excited and can't wait because, well… food! In fact, they may sit around and stare at you with those big puppy dog eyes while you're eating your meal. Just to remind you that they're waiting of course.

Will you cave and give them a taste of your food or will you be a good pet parent and only allow them to eat their dog food?

Regardless of what they're eating (just make sure it's healthy!) Fido LOVES to eat. And he's not afraid to show his level of enthusiasm either. He'll either sit by his bowl and wait patiently — or not so patiently — for his next meal to arrive.

Sometimes if they think you're moving slow, they'll resort to playing with their bowl to get your attention! And don't even get us started on treats. They get over the moon excited for those!

You'll LOL over these 8 Dogs Who Want Their Dinner NOW on the next page!


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