4 Reasons NOT to Trust a German Shepherd

Have you ever met a German Shepherd “hater”? Those people who tell you why German Shepherds are a dangerous dog breed, why they should never be allowed around children, and that the country would be better off if German Shepherds were banned? Yea… we've met people like that too. Probably too many of them, in fact. And we COMPLETELY disagree because German Shepherds are the most loyal, intelligent and badass (sorry, but its true) dogs to roam the planet. And if anyone wants to argue their opposing views, then they can bark up someone else's tree cause we're confident in our own convictions. Thanks, but no thanks, folks.

In the spirit of all the ‘German Shepherd haters' out there, we've put together a list of the Top 4 Reasons NOT to Trust a German Shepherd. And believe us when we tell you, if you're a German Shepherd owner yourself, you will understand exactly what we mean.

Still not sure you get where we're going with this? Click over to page 2. You'll see what we mean!


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