10 Common Dog Owner Mistakes

It's super easy to make mistakes when you're training your pet, especially if you are new to this whole pet parent thing. However, don't beat yourself up. It's better that you learn from your mistakes now then never at all. Take one step at a time and soon enough you'll have the training down and your pet will understand and know your commands. Here are some tips to point you in the right direction.

#1 – Think your dog will “grow out of” a bad behavior

If your dog has learned that counter surfing gets him delicious treats as a puppy, he will keep doing it until you have trained him not to – it’s that simple.

#2 – Wait to start training

Puppies can start learning things as soon as you bring them home.

#3 – Punish for house breaking accidents

The old way of rubbing your dog’s nose in his potty accident or spanking him has been debunked over and over again.

#4 – Assume every dog is friendly

Don’t assume every dog is friendly. The best policy is to always ASK before letting your dog go up to any dog (or person).

#5 – No set rules

Dogs are habitual creatures, meaning they do best with a consistent routine and rules.

#6 – Not enough vet visits

#7 – Don’t puppy proof

A house should be prepared before a new puppy or rescue is brought home, just like you would for a baby.

#8 – Give dogs human medications without a vet’s approval

This can result in a hefty vet bill and even the loss of your dog.

#9 – Encourage bad behavior in your puppy

This is a trap almost every dog owner falls into — puppies are so cute that even naughty things, like barking at you for attention, jumping up, biting at you to play, stealing food, etc., are often overlooked or even laughed at and rewarded through attention.

#10 – Not enough socialization

Puppies must be socialized in order for them to grow up well adjusted.

After reading through these mistakes, do you find you're making some of them? It's never too late to figure out what works best for your pet, and come up with ways to make them a happy and healthy pet. Read more tips from I Heart Dogs and do your best to learn from your mistakes and correct them. Your dog will appreciate your efforts by licking you and being constantly at your side.

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